AC-3 algorithm uses perceptual coding for compression. It divides the audio spectrum of each
channel into narrow frequency bands based on the frequency selectivity of human hearing.
These frequency bands are analyzed and more number of bits are used to represent most
audible signals. Encoding is done in the frequency domain, using a 512-point MDCT (or two
256-point transforms for transient signals) with 50% overlap.

The different steps described in the previous sections for decoding the AC-3 bitstream is shown as a
pseudo code in below.
Detect AC-3 frame sync
Error Check (CRC)
Unpack BSI (Bit Stream Information) data
For audio block 0 to 5
Unpack fixed data (coupling,bit allocation & other info)
For channel 1 to No. of coded channels
Unpack exponents
For band 1 to No. of bands
Compute bit allocation
Unpack mantissas
Scale mantissas
Decouple mantissa
Denormalize mantissas by exponents
Compute partial inverse transform
Downmix to appropriate output channels
For channel 1 to No. of output channels
Window/ overlap-add with delay buffer
Store samples in PCM output buffer
Copy downmix buffer values to delay
Figure 4. Pseudo Code for the Decoder
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